Sunday 14 April 2013

Low culture

I would hate people to think that I have no other interests beyond fucking. My intention was to spend the day doing all sorts of things that would demonstrate what a rounded personality I’ve got. I think my personality is more rounded than my big fat bum, but maybe not.

When Ted left on Saturday morning I thought me and the teenager would do all sorts of cultural things like visiting the David Bowie exhibition at the Victoria and Albert or check out the Pompeii thing. After all, I’ve been fingered at the Opera, listened to Radio 3 and everything!

So on Saturday morning I checked my emails. Sent the Model a message to find out if she was in London and subtly suggested that she might fancy a couple of visitors later on. I tried to speak to Alice but got voicemail and assumed it was because she was busy with the Italian lesbian waitress with the hairy cunt and got unbearably jealous. Talked to Lora while Charlie the beautiful red-head lay between her legs and heard all about the student’s expertise in licking pussy. I even sent Paul a text message that would serve me no useful purpose until Monday morning.

Eventually, in trying to prove to myself that I don’t have a one track mind we left the flat and headed into town. Museums didn’t really feature on our itinerary. High heel shoes and sexy lingerie did. Which is how we ended up in the Marks and Spencer’s where the very pretty Indian girl who believes I never wear knickers works.

After a little bit of a consultation with Chloe we came to a few conclusions.

1. We both think she fucking gorgeous.

2. She definitely fancies me, and she probably fancies Chloe too.

3 I have to ask for her phone number.
So armed with a little scrap of paper with numbers scrawled upon it, we leave the shop and headed for the nearest bar to gulp down a couple of large glasses of Pinot Grigio.

There’s an accepted decorum about how to proceed in cases like this. I don’t want to call her too soon, but when we got home and fucked each other ruthlessly I knew that each of us were fixated on our separate fantasies of how things would pan out with the fabulous exotic creature once we enticed her to southwest London.

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